What We’re Seeking:

  • A. Rethink Permit Plan and Implement Effective Solutions:

    It's evident that the current permit plan is insufficient, especially given the altered landscape devoid of natural sediment barriers. A thorough review of the permit plan is essential, considering the inadequacy of existing sediment ponds to handle heavy rainfall. We must devise a revised plan that addresses these challenges effectively, ensuring it can mitigate runoff and protect the Gunpowder River.

  • B. Establish Clear Protocols for Ongoing Monitoring and Maintenance Responsibility:

    We need a well-defined, written plan for ongoing monitoring and maintenance responsibilities, which is crucial for the long-term health of our environment. Presently, shifting responsibility to the HOA after just one year absolves the developer of accountability. This approach may surpass typical HOAs' capabilities and jeopardize our environmental efforts' integrity.

  • C. Restore Natural Sediment Controls Below the Project Site:

    The land below the project, now owned by Harford County, requires urgent restoration of natural sediment controls. The current grassy terrain falls short of providing adequate protection against sediment runoff. Rebuilding natural barriers in this area is imperative to prevent further environmental degradation.

  • D. Implement Effective Clay Removal and Water Clarification Measures:

    Immediate action is needed to monitor and remove floating clays downstream. The effectiveness of anti-flocculants remains uncertain, but clarity in the water is essential for the growth of aquatic vegetation. Only with transparent waters can we hope to restore the ecosystem to its former health.

  • E. Prioritize Dredging as Necessary:

    Dredging becomes necessary given the evident siltation in Foster Branch and potentially other areas. Addressing silt accumulation is crucial for maintaining the river's ecological balance and preventing further deterioration of aquatic habitats.

  • F. Restore Sub-Aquatic Vegetation:

    Replacing sub-aquatic vegetation is paramount to the restoration efforts. This vegetation plays a vital role in stabilizing riverbanks, improving water quality, and providing habitat for various aquatic species. Reestablishing these crucial components of the ecosystem is essential for its long-term health.

  • G. Hold D.R. Horton Accountable for Comprehensive Remediation Efforts:

    D.R. Horton must bear full responsibility for financing all remediation efforts outlined above. Given their role in environmental degradation, they must be held accountable for restoring the Gunpowder River ecosystem.