The Facts (updated 07/24/2024)

  • The Problem

    The Problem

    Ridgely’s Reserve, a construction site in Harford County, MD, is responsible for excessive sediment runoff that is negatively impacting the Bird and Gunpowder Rivers.

  • Custom Additions icon

    Failed Inspections

    This site, owned by D.R. Horton, a Texas-based developer, has failed over 100 Maryland Department of the Environment inspections.

  • 365+ days out of compliance

    Days Out of Compliance

    This 200+ acre development in Harford County, MD, has been out of compliance with Maryland Law for over 365 days in a row.

  • Muddy Bird River

    Loss of Aquatic Vegetation

    We’ve suffered a devastating loss of over 87% of the Submerged Aquatic Vegetation (SAV) at the mouth of Fosters Branch.

Gunpowder River Volunteer

Ready to Help?

It takes many voices and many perspectives to enact change. Email our team at to learn how you can help! Whether it’s posting on Facebook, calling local government officials, taking water samples, there’s something for everyone.

First Monday of the Month

Location varies between Harewood’s Community Center, Oliver Beach’s Hall, and virtual.

Our Supporters

  • Bird River Watershed Restoration Campaign

    Bird River Restoration Campaign

  • Harewood Park Community League Ecological Team

    Harewood Park Community League Ecological Team

  • Joppa Development & Heritage Corp

    Joppa Development & Heritage Corp

  • Oliver Beach Improvement Association

    Oliver Beach Improvement Association

  • Essex Middle River Civic Council

    Essex Middle River Civic Council

  • Gunpowder Riverkeeper

    Gunpowder Riverkeeper

What Residents Are Saying…

  • "The mud in the [Gunpowder] river has become so bad I have to clean my soft crab table multiple times a day. My boat is being stained by the water and there's no more grass in the river. Just look at a satellite photo of the Gunpowder vs. Middle River or the Bush. There are obvious mud swirls."

    Brandon - Oliver Beach, Waterman

  • "We have been fighting against this mess for three years now. Both Harford County DPW and MDE compliance division refuse to stop the continuing pollution that fill the entire Gunpowder/Bird river basin 12,00 acers of mud water every time it rains. The developer is out of Texas, DR Horton, and has deep pockets and continues to violate the law and there discharge permits going for 3 years..."

    Jack W. - Joppa, Civil Engineer

  • “We love to share our love of river life with our family, friends, neighbors, and lots of community & environmental organizations. When the mud pollution started in the 1960s, we were part of building organizations and coalitions to educate and advocate for better laws and oversight against mud pollution. From picketing to letters to phone calls, to community meetings, to trips to Annapolis, we organized in the days of manual typewriters, carbon paper, and long-distance phone charges. Organizing may seem easier today with cell phones and the internet but it still takes someone who cares enough to get involved to make a difference. Now in our mid-90s, it's infuriating to learn that the decades of successful mud pollution law and oversight were undone while we were busy with other community work. Lesson learned - whatever the law can be undone, so it's everyone's citizen duty to keep up oversight. 2nd lesson we offer is that the more you work together to build a strong and wide coalition, the bigger and more long-standing your impact. We can provide the history and lessons we learned but we now must count on you to make 'good trouble' to get the Gunpowder waters flowing clean again and in perpetuity.

    Ray & Vera Reiner, 6+ decades-long waterfront community members of Oliver Beach